More Emmaus Info

The Emmaus Journey

Have you grown in the last five years? Well, we’ve all grown older. Maybe you’re fatter, thinner, taller (or shorter).

But have you grown as a person? Are you any kinder, more patient, less selfish, more tolerant than you were five years ago; do you lose your temper less and smile more?
And have you grown as a Christian? Do you now live nearer to God, and reflect his love more than you did? Is Jesus more real in your life?

Dare we honestly answer these questions? Have we even thought about them?

Life is a journey – we cannot stand still, but have you ever paused to consider where you are on the road?

One of the journeys described in the Bible is that of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They thought they knew Jesus, but as they walked with him on the road they were amazed at what they discovered just by being with him and realizing who he was. And it filled them with joy!

As a church we have decided to walk the Emmaus road together. We want others to come and walk it with us, but it is a journey we all need to take.

There are groups at various stages. So it is possible to join in anywhere ‘along the road’. If the words ‘groups’, ‘sessions’, ‘discussion’, ‘programmes’, etc immediately turn you off read the reactions of others.

“Coming to the Emmaus groups was rather daunting as I had never attended a Bible Study group before. But I needn ’t have worried, as I was welcomed and found the course to be most enjoyable and truly enlightening. I have now completed two sessions and look forward to the next one in September. ”

“We used various methods to explore the subject; inter-active visual aids, discussion, literature and working together . . . all very thoughtfully produced. Thank you. ”

Why not go along with a friend? Or go and make new friends? It’ll be worth it!

 If you would like further information please contact the church secretary

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