About Us

Our church is a living community of people, who are more important than the building. We believe that Jesus had time for all sorts of people, old or young, rich or poor, and those who felt outsiders and unwanted. He brought a love and acceptance which gave new hope for the future. We are amongst the millions of people who have experienced that for ourselves. We are not perfect people (who is?) but we are attracted to the way of Jesus and have committed ourselves to trying to live it out in our own lives.
We are an inter-denominational fellowship made up of the former Tacket Street United Reformed Church and Turret Green Baptist Church. We are affiliated to the United Reformed Church www.urc.org.uk and the Baptist Union www.baptist.org.uk and reflect both these Christian traditions.
As a church we aim to have a thoughtful approach to Christianity, based on the Bible but not afraid of asking difficult questions. We do not pretend to have all the answers; nevertheless, we hope that we are constantly learning more about our faith and its relationship to the modern world. We are committed to Fair Trade and other issues of justice, as we believe that God is concerned for the physical and spiritual health of the entire human race.
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