Prayer Focus

You are asked to please remember the following in your prayers ;



Prayer Calendar for July

7th July

We remember the people who attended our Holiday at Home on the 4th and 5th July and pray for the lasting relationships made.  We also remember all who are alone or feel lonely and pray that You draw close to them and make Yourself known.

14th July

We pray for our new government following the election on 4 July, that they will govern with integrity and wisdom and that they will build a fairer society. 

21st July

We think about the children and young people who have just finished their school year; some who have now left the security of their primary school and some who have left school altogether.  We ask you to fill them with hope, strength and courage as they move onto the next stage of their lives.

28th July

Many of us plan to travel this holiday season to visit family, friends or to see new places.  Please grant us safe and successful travel and that we may we be kind and helpful to any we meet on our journey.

Prayer Calendar for August

4th August: we pray for the Olympic Games taking place in Paris, and for the many nations meeting together to compete.  May they have a fresh understanding of each other’s cultures and backgrounds and respect their common aims and ambitions.  We pray also for those responsible for the organisation and management of the Games.  Be with those competing in the Paralympic Games and their families and supporters; we thank you for their determination in overcoming difficult circumstances and ask for your blessing on them.  Amen

11th August: we pray for teachers and students, and for all those taking a break from their normal routine, that they may be renewed and refreshed, with a greater appreciation of your wonderful world.  We know that we often do not take time to ‘stand and stare’, giving our full attention to the flora and fauna all around us.  Help us to be aware of the beauty of your creation every day.  Amen

18th August: Lord, we pray for the street we live on – for those we know and for those we don’t know.  We pray for an opportunity to deepen our relationships with our neighbours. Wherever we go and whatever we do help us to be aware of your love surrounding us and those we meet day by day.  We pray for this town of Ipswich and for all those working, both professionally and voluntarily, to improve the lives of its people.  Be with them and give them the compassion and understanding they need in their work. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

25th August: we praise and thank you for all your blessings to us; help us never to take these for granted.                                         

Lord, you are my hiding place.  

In you I find a safe haven from every storm. 

I have confidence in you.

May all who need it find rest and safety in you.       


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